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“Legend of the Old Crowe”

I have always appreciated a good tale. My Dad and Grandpa could readily spin an impromptu yarn, a dubious talent spawned by their Swedish heritage. The Vikings of old were fond of their legends and Nordic sagas. Notations on their nautical maps even ended with, “beyond this point there be

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Take A Look At Your Home

Tri-CAP’s energy advisor program seeks to improve your homes heating and electrical burden. With a little information, you can look for some of the same signs that an energy advisor looks for. In only about five minutes, you can make many valuable observations. First, be advised that the two biggest

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Wistful Time

Have you ever witnessed an older person sitting in a chair and staring out a window? Sometimes they remain there, unmoving, seemingly for hours. Whatever could be happening? When I was ten, we lived by a small lake surrounded by wooded hills and about a dozen homes. The pond was

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Moving Day

Once again I move. Things will look different, be different. The landscape and the people will change. Life will change. I will miss the old and hope the new is a great adventure. One thing for sure, with rare exception, all of us will re-locate in our lifetime. I have

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The Flow

Have you ever experienced the sensation of being in the flow of things, in tune with life, in perfect harmony with the state of affairs? For many who revere the fall season, it may be possible to attain such a blissful state. Check out the essential components . . .

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Nordic Saga

Each of us holds dear what is important, however, that thing of great value is not necessarily universal. Let me share a case in point. I visit diverse families in the course of doing my job as a home energy advisor – many are Scandinavian. Recently I met an 86

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The Long and Short of IT

How long do things live? Here’s the list. Bristlecone pine tree – 5060 years. Giant tortoise – 255 years. Asian elephant – 86 years. Blue Macaw – 119 years. Horse – 62 years. Dog – 29 years. Cat – 38 years. Black bear – 30 years. Whitetail deer – 4.5

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The Time Travelers, Part #3 “Vectors and Resonance”

  Within the month I received another summons to visit Jethro Olam. We wasted no time on formalities, and went directly to the latest news from his parents. “Dearest Jethro, we arrived in Guatemala at the peak of the Mayan civilization’s cultural and scientific renaissance. By fortuitous circumstances, we were

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The Time Travelers

I meet many fascinating people in the twilight of their lives, during the course of my work as an energy advisor for Community Action. I am often treated to some unforgettable stories and here’s one for the record book. I won’t attest to the veracity of this tale, but it

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