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Building Stability

Home Ownership


*Minnesota Urban and Rural Homesteading Program

We occasionally have homes for sale in Benton, Stearns and Sherburne Counties. These MURL homes are sold for no profit, without interest, and to households who could not otherwise afford a home. Homes are sold as a contract for deed to qualified applicants.

MURL Guidelines & Application

  • You must be a first-time homebuyer. A first-time homebuyer is defined as an individual and his or her spouse/partner who have not owned a home during the three-year period prior to applying to the MURL program.
  • You must be an at-risk homebuyer. At-risk homebuyers include individuals or families who are homeless, receiving public assistance, or would otherwise be unable to afford homeownership or qualify for a mortgage.
  • Applicants agree to complete a homebuyer’s education course prior to signing the contract for deed.
  • If approved for homeownership, applicant must occupy the property as your principle residence within 60 days of the closing on the contract for deed.
  • If approved for home ownership, the family is required to apply 25% of their household gross monthly income as payment to the obligations incurred under the contract for deed.
  • Family may sell home at any time; however, within the first 15 years of homeownership they must sell the home to someone within the income guidelines stated above. After 15 years of ownership, it may be sold to anyone.