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A Face in the Attic

When you think of Tri-County Action Program, what image comes to mind – a community based group of people who act as a conduit for state and federal helps programs for low or moderate income families? This in part is true, but we are also here to be a resource

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So Be It

Some say what we believe shapes our destiny. I have always been fascinated by diverse cultures from around the world and how they develop strategies for successful living. There is one school of thought that holds that all events in life are dictated by fate (Karma or pre-destination). In this

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And It Begins

There is something extraordinary about April – the big things of life seem to coalesce into a magical swirl. They manifest as the returning birds and waterfowl – who set busily about their task of singing into existence the greening of trees and the arrival of wild flowers. Winter has

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Are you ready to think spring?

Are you ready to think spring? Can you imagine the green just waiting below those last piles of snow? The seed catalogs are arriving in the mail, and for those of us with cabin fever, we relish the possibilities. What follows is for those of us with a small space,

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Snuggle Up To Winter

Ah, February – in the epicenter of long-john, throw blankets and the hot-chili season! I like winter. Most of my contemporaries have fled to Arizona, Florida or Texas, but I’m one of those die-hards that embraces winter. My wife does the cross-country ski routine and I try to keep up

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Rule Number Five

In construction we have a saying – don’t forget rule number five! This rule follows rule number one (Do the best job possible); and rule number two (Always keep your word). Skip rule number three and number four and go directly to rule number five – Get the Cash! For

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I’ve heard it said that each of us has three personas: who we think we are; who others think we are; and who we really are. Occasionally, it’s fun to do a self-assessment to see if our self-image corresponds with reality. Many of us spend too much time and energy

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“Navigating through life”

My Grandpa, Dad and Uncle were from the old school when it came to their kids – “train up a child in the right ways and they will not depart from it”. They were all about setting a true course in life, Dad and Uncle Dick were Navy Captains in

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How’s your tepee?

I’ve been a homebuilder and an outdoorsman for most of my life, and over the years have become convinced that the First Americans, the mighty plains tribes, were some of the most gifted home designers of all times. The Lakota Sioux and the Cheyenne came up with the Tepee, a

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Harvest Season

We find ourselves once again in that magical season of fall. What memories of childhood awaken with the first bracing chill of September! The new generation of ducks and geese are able to fly with their family now, and they busy themselves seeking the ripening crop fields. The harvest is

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