About Poverty

Helping Those in a Time of Need

At Tri-CAP, our mission is to enhance and expand opportunities for the economic and social well-being of our central Minnesota residents. The graph below shows the percentage of households (by income) in each of the three counties we serve.

Community Survey Data

Report AreaUnder $25,000$25,000 - $49,999$50,000 - $99,999$100,00 - $199,999$200,000+
Report Location13.40%19.01%32.90%28.72%5.98%
Benton County, MN13.28%24.12%35.59%23.46%3.55%
Sherburne County, MN8.89%13.93%31.52%37.42%8.22%
Stearns County, MN15.97%20.47%32.94%25.25%5.37%
United States17.18%19.60%29.63%24.14%9.46%

Poverty Simulator

Stop by for a Visit

Our main offices are in Waite Park, Minnesota. The public is always welcome to stop by and ask more about what we do and learn how we can help. We hope you take the time to investigate this site and learn more about us!